Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Weight Watchers Wednesday

I have been much, much better lately with the ole WW.

How I have done better:
1. I haven't had a cupcake for breakfast in a long time.
2. I haven't dreamed about having an intervenous drip of chocolate in at least a week.
3. When I have had fatty foods (pizza, pie), I haven't eaten until I got sick. Just a little bit here or there.
4. I have made healthier options of my favorites instead of making it a full-on Full Fat Baking Extravaganza around here.

I think I've lost about 1.5 pounds. Better than that, I have noticed my jeans fit better with less muffin top. Yummm....muffins. Why does something so nasty (muffin top) have to remind me of something so delicious?

Anyway, I discovered the holy grail last night. I made this soup last night and it was freaking delicious. In fact, light or not, it was the best potato soup that I've ever had. Bar none. My first job was actually at this restaurant that is known for its baked potato soup, a soup that should be outlawed in several states because of how fattening it is. This soup is better than that stuff (or at least I think so, but I'm not the hugest fan of the other stuff, so maybe you shouldn't take my word for it). ANYWAY, everyone in my family loved it. In fact, Alice ate a frightening amount of it and then proceeded to eat handfuls of shredded cheddar with handfuls of green onions. She loved the onions. Interesting... Anyway, we had it with multigrain bread. Perfect for a cold night. We will definitely be having it again. And maybe I should look up more light recipes while I'm at it because I really want to make these. Like woah. A girl can't be pious all the time, can she? And besides, I'd be making them for the children, my sweet little angels who deserve cookies and love and above all COOKIES. Right?


  1. I randomly bought a bunch of red potatoes last night... think I'm going to have to make that soup!

  2. The soup looks yummy -will give it a go!
    You are right about the muffin top-it's like wondering-why do all the yummy things have so many calories!!
