Anyone having a cocktail party you would like for me to attend? Anyone? Please?
The sweater is from Target. I bought it this weekend--it was on sale for $15 (reg. $22). I highly recommend these Merona cardigans because they hold up very well and have great colors. I actually like this one better than my favorite J. Crew Jackie's because it has full length sleeves instead of the 3/4 style on the Jackie. I have a summer version that is black with a white pattern that both my mom and I own. We both love it and wore it a lot in the summer.
The tank is the silk ruffle tank from J. Crew. I got it off of J. Crew Afficionada for about $15.
The pants are Modern Bootcuts from Gap. I actually bought this with one of my Groupons earlier in the year. So, although they are $59.50 in store, I got mine for $34.50.
The shoes are also from Target--also bought this weekend. They are by Mossimo and were $24.99. I looked all weekend for a pair of gray suede shoes at multiple stores (not just Tar-jay) and these were the cutest that I found. See? I was even willing to pay a bit extra for them, but found that the budget ones were the cutest and most comfortable.
And the necklace I got at American Eagle. I think it was actually free, because I bought a pair of earrings and their jewelry was BOGO that day. If you don't usually check out AE, give it a try sometime. Their jewelry is super cute, and my mom swears up and down that Artist pants are the best out there. I'm also wearing hoop earrings that were a gift from my kids for Mother's Day.
So according to my excellent-English-major calculations, my entire outfit today cost me $96.49. That is roughly the cost of one sweater at J. Crew that I am coveting right now. That doesn't mean that I don't occasionally splurge--I do--but I have found that building a wardrobe is easy and fun if one mixes their high end loves with a few budget friendly tricks! This makes for happy frugal husbands and lots of cheese in the fridge. And you know, lots of dance costumes. Can't forget that. Sigh.
The above is Alice, of course, and she was REMARKABLY good during this meal. So much so that people came to our table and commented. I wanted to say, "No, she is an evil genius, and she is just PRETENDING to behave in order to enact her future plan which involves world domination and an unlimited supply of Kleenex to shred," but I refrained. The other picture is of my mom and Gabby, and my mom would most certainly be upset that I posted it because it is not the best picture of her. I would counter by reminding her of the pictures that we saw this weekend. And the fact that I have a scanner. Do we really want to go there, Mom? Just ask Alice. I'm a mean girl with embarassing pictures and a free blogger account. Don't mess with me.
After lunch, we took a quick detour to the bookstore and to Ulta, and then I dropped mom off at the airport and the kids and I drove to Target (AGAIN) and Starbucks and then went home. We were all tired, but I spent the evening trying to straighten up because our living room looked like a goat exploded and there was a crazy amount of laundry. It.NEVER.ends.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and is slowly (but surely) getting into the holiday spirit!
Yup, that's you. Asleep in your Jumperoo. Yes, it was a while ago. I found it on the memory cards you had stuck in your super secret hiding place. Look at how fat you were! This has got "college boyfriend" written all over it.
This also makes me fondly think of those times when you couldn't walk or crawl, when things were simple and I didn't have to find the sweater I had planned on wearing today crumpled into a ball under the computer desk. When I didn't have to lock the toilet after I used it. Before you got that look in your eye all the time that made me have heart palpitations and wonder if there was anything ANYWHERE that you could reach and then throw down the cold air return. Before you came a very exciting little child, hellbent on wrecking our house and making us laugh and laughing like something that they caught on Criminal Minds last week.
You light up our lives, Lil' Destroyer.
And I just realized that you can't tell diddly crap about these pants in these pictures. I'm total crap at this, ya'll. Life is hard.
At any rate, maybe you can tell something about the cut of these if you have, you know, magic vision. I can't talk enough about how awesome they are. For those who care, I am wearing a pair of black Bandolino heels with them, probably about a 3-4 inch heel. And my top and sweater are from Loft.
Oh, and that one picture of me just cheesing for the camera? That is to show you what my hair looks like when I don't bother to do much to it. I swear the bangs looked better when I left the house. And yes, I'm in a stall. No, I wasn't doing anything in there. Told you that this wasn't that kind of blog. I just thought I heard someone walking to the bathroom, so you know, I ran like a scared little girl to the bathroom stall, clutching my camera and going "Ohmygod, ohmygod" the whole way. Because it is one thing to be taking a picture of yourself in your office. It is quite another to be doing it in the most used bathroom in the building.
Daily fashion bloggers: ya'll got my respect big times.
That is me, approximately 10 minutes ago. I'm sitting in my office. If you are feeling stalkerish, you can see my nesting doll beside of my head and the empty bulletin board behind my back (I'm going to put up some Spring schedules and such later this week, if you are worried about my lack of office decoration). I took this photo very quickly when I first got here while everyone else was still filing in because the front of my office is glass, and I haven't been here long enough for people to look away and disregard if they spotted me taking a picture of myself alone in my office.
So why are you lucky enough to get this picture today? Well, let me tell you. My mother in law was kind enough to sweep up around the house yesterday, and she found Alice's secret stash of stuff hidden underneath a chair in the dining room. In it was three memory cards, the adapter for the camera and my Nars Orgasm blush (which I just placed an order to Sephora for yesterday morning to replace) among other things. So now, I can get off the 511 pictures that were on the camera and upload them. To show my anger at Alice for doing this to us all, I will post this:
Yup, that's a picture of Alice watching Dora naked. Alice, do not mess with your mother. This is the digital age. Keep it up, Chubs, and there will be many more posts like this, or (GASP!) on Facebook. By the time I'm done, you will never be able to run for political office, nor will you ever be Miss America. So are you going to take my blush again? Or the camera supplies? That's what I thought.
Isn't that cute? I kind of love it. I know I am running the risk of it being a bit costume-y with my bangs (I can just imagine my husband saying something about Lolita because of it--this is a man who used the word "Nabokovian" in a discussion about my daughter's 6th grade English class), but I really want it, and the Groupon is a good reason to take the plunge. Now if I could just find a pair of gray suede pumps at TJ Maxx today....
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, and that your Friday is idyllic and pictureesque just as it should be!
My daughter Alice is that child. While a good deal of it comes from being 14 months old and recently acquring the ability move oneself with ease and a staggering quickness, the other amount of it comes from just being insane. I present the people's exhibit one: the toilet. Alice is my first and only child to be OBSESSED with the toilet. And not in the EC-ing, potty trained by 18 months kind of way. Like she wants to play in it. More than wants to, actually. Kind of like "lives to play in it." So much so that we have taken to totally shutting off portions of our house while she is walking around unfettered. If, by some miracle, she finds the bathroom open, she will go and sit there, IN THE DARK, and just wait until someone comes to look for her. Once she hears feet coming toward her, she sprints to the toilet, laughing maniacally the entire time, and proceeds to get as much splashing in as she can possibly do in the 4.3 seconds it takes for us to get to her, scream, curse, and pick her up. Same deal every time.
Or witness the People's Exhibit Numero Dos: rice. No bag/box/container of rice in our house is safe. She will find it, and she will figure out a way to puncture it/turn it upside down/whatever. And it will be all over the floor. And she will use her hands to dip into it and throw it to the far reaches of the house. And she will laugh maniacally. I used to keep rice in a lazy susan that is close to the floor and when she started doing this, I moved it to the pantry. She found it and screamed until Sam gave it to her. I then moved it to the countertop, behind some cookbooks and admonished Sam for giving in to her screams. Then one day I was holding her in the kitchen, talking to Matt about God only knows what, and she just calmly and quietly leaned over, picked up a package of basmati and boom. All over the floor. She was happy as a clam with herself. She then arched her back so I had to let her down and mussed her hands around in the rice while her two parents sat and watched her, bewildered, broom in hand.
This is just scratching the surface of what this child gets into on a daily basis. Perhaps I have rose colored glasses, but I don't remember my other two being this way. And I especially don't remember the glint in the eyes, this look that Alice gets that is the toddler equivalent of "IT'S ON, BITCH."
I also don't remember the other two just being this FUN. Sam was sweet and cuddly and Gabby was independent and stubborn. But Alice has the market cornered on just pure unadulterated fun. She tramps around the house, usually shirtless because for some reason she prefers not wearing a shirt, her bizarre distended baby-gut leading the way, wreaking havoc. And we all just sit back and watch and laugh. Her daily interplays with her siblings are especially priceless--Gabby is usually huffy and sometimes just purely angry with her for her exploits, but then softens and tries to please her. And Sam is purely in love with her, and accepts it all with happiness and hugs. I imagine that someday when she has wrecked the car and is left standing outside of a 7-11, smelling of Boone's Farm and bad teenage choices, it will be Sam that she will call. And he will show up, smiling sweetly and saying, "Well, A-lice..."
Kids are amazing. Sometimes I hear friends complain about losing their life once a child is born and not being able to do the things that they once did. And yeah, I get it. Sometimes you need a break. But seriously. Just sitting around watching one of these little monsters can be the most entertaining thing ever. That is, until you have to clean it all up. That, my friends, is what booze is for.
Yup, that's what you think it is. Pasta, ya'll, swimming in cheese sauce in an almost 2-1 ratio of cheese to noodles. And not just any cheese sauce. No dainty-do "blue cheese" or "parmigiano reggiano." CHEDDAR, ya'll. The extra sharp stuff, orange and sticky. Ribbons of it, melting as I shred it. Melting me as I consume it. And there is no crust on this, no breadcrumbs. No bits of ham, no peas. No sirree. Just cheese and pasta baked in a casserole and then consumed greedily. Sure, I'll make a big green salad with some idiotic idea of caloric balance. Sure, it is more to use up the romaine before it dies than to do anything else. But who gives a damn about romaine when you've got this?
And today, I can honestly say that I don't give two flying craps about how many calories I consume. For the past 3 years or so, I have vaguely considered calories every time I opened my mouth. Not tonight. I refuse to. I might wake up miserable in the morning, but you know what? It will be totally worth it. I will run, and next week, I will eat a healthy lunch every day and not order out one time and I will start a strengthening routine at 6:00 each morning (I was planning on doing that anyway--not just because of the cheese flavored orgasm I'm planning tonight).
Sometimes you just have to. Sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind. And I have heard people say that about many aspects of their lives, and for the first time, I'm really feeling like it is true. In more ways than one. But I'm going to start with this pasta.