Over the weekend, I went into Old Navy, mostly spurred by March's Real Simple magazine. In their page of Finds Under $50, they had a picture of this jacket. I really had to go give it a look for a few reasons--1) I need something a bit more casual than a trench that I can wear on the weekends when running around with my kids, 2) I need something in more of a neutral color than the bright coral trench I already have, and 3) I have a great J. Crew army jacket that is now too big that I'd like to find a replacement for. I found the jacket, and it was on sale for $29.70 in store. SCORE. I took it home without trying it on and thought I'd bring it back if it didn't work.
I really, really like this jacket. It is comfortable, and I like the style of it. There is enough detailing (utility pockets, drawstring waist, flowered placket) to where it stands out, but it is not done in a way to where it looks ludicrous. The length is also good--about the length of a standard trench which means this will stand up well to all kinds of weather and pants silhouettes. And for $30? ME LIKEY. (Note that it doesn't seem to be on sale on the website, so if you are interested, I'd go in a store.)
I also bought this dress. When I bought it, I could see it with a wide brown belt, with my denim jacket and a scarf, with leggings and purple flats, with my Frye's (this is my new requirement for buying shit, BTW...I have to be able to visualize it in at least 3 outfits). I tried it on this morning to just see how daring I wanted to be seasonwise, and am not sure how I'm going to rock it. I'm going to have to play with the belt idea--it is going to have to be a high belt, I think, which I'm not sure about. But I think it is a versatile piece, and it is darn patootin' cute. Very spring-y, and will be nice for traveling, I think, given that it already has a slightly worn, gauzy, wrinkly feel.
Back to today....
Sweater dress: Old Navy (The Grimace Dress...read all about it here)
Tights: Merona for Target
Boots: Merona for Target
Necklace: American Eagle (Crew fireball dupe)
Watch: Merona for Target (picked up on clearance this weekend after reading about all the love on Fabulous Florida Mommy's blog)
I am taking my daughter and her BFF to see Justin Bieber's movie tonight. With all the sickness, plus Valentine's parties, plus school dances, we have had to postpone the Bieberness, but we're getting it all done tonight...on cheap movie night! (I conveniently left out this fact when asking the girls if they wanted to go on Tuesday.) Gabby says I am well dressed because purple is Justin Bieber's favorite color. WHICH YOU KNOW I TOTALLY PLANNED.
And a happy birthday to my mama, who is hella old today. Just one step closer to putting her in that rest home I've always dreamed about! (For any Wise Co. peeps, I've got it all planned out...that one beside of Payless in Coeburn. I'm going to have her panhandle during the day to make a little extra scratch. Who needs a hefty 401k when you have an able bodied elder?)
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