She goes on to say in the email that you could wear this with a cute romper to make you look a "little more edgy." A romper? Was this email meant for me or for Alice, my 11 month old? Because she can barely walk as it is--add a four inch heel to the mix and I think we've got trouble. Seriously...that is like one of the ugliest non-Croc related shoes I've ever seen. That saddens me. If we can't rely on questionably talented "reality" television stars to pick our shoes, just what will become of this world?
Cloth Diaper Warrior on Electric 94.9!!! Earlier this week, I was innocently driving my kids to school. My daughter INSISTS on listening to this radio station, Electric 94.9, that INSISTS on playing Lady Gaga every 4.3 minutes. Let it be known that Lady Gaga makes my ears bleed. Anyway, the morning show there was doing a "Things that Should be Banished from the World" segment and having people call in. Someone called in and said rats or something, someone else called in and said Obama (grrr...) and then this woman called in and said "disposable diapers"! This woman was OFF THE CHAIN with anger at disposable diaper companies: she cited the lawsuits against Pampers for the whole Drymax fiasco, she talked about the impact on the environment. It was awesome. The DJ was all like, "Oh I had no idea." She kept going and talked about cloth diapers now and how awesome they were and how she had diapered three kids in them. She was great. I loved this because I had NO IDEA that there were more cloth diaper moms and dads around here. When I talk about using them, I get THE LOOK that is usually accompanied by some nice woman saying, "Now, honey, you do what? Well, bless your heart!" But she's blessing my heart because she thinks I'm crazy, not because she thinks I'm righteous. So anyway, I am happy with this. I surely didn't think that there was someone else out there who lives in the Appalachian South, cloth diapers, and listens to/is forced to listen to Electric 94.9. I want us to get together and go to Stir Fry Cafe and talk shit. Literally.
Cheap Mascara! Let it be known that nothing makes me happier than a good mascara. I used to use Dior Show and swore that I would never use another. But then I moved to the middle of nowhere, and there wasn't a Sephora close, and yes, I know I could just place an order, but sometimes I run out and I just need it NOW NOW NOW. I think I've ordered DiorShow once since we moved here. I have thus experimented with other brands. Mostly it has just been an ok showing, but recently I got some Maybelline Falsies mascara. I actually like it. Now it is not like false lashes at all, and I don't think it is as good as DiorShow. But it is definitely a passable cheap alternative. A note: it will clump if you put on a lot of it. I have found that if you kind of rub the brush to get the maximum amount of product off before you put it on, you can eliminate some of the clumping. And really, a dab will do you. If you really want awesome looking lashes, layer a lenthening mascara (I used Cover Girl Lash Blast Length) underneath and then put the Falsies on the top (just a bit, mind you). Maybe more of a night time look. But overall, not bad, not bad.
Carnation Instant Breakfast. Huzzah! I bought some of this, and I like it. I have been having it for breakfast while I fix the kids lunches. I actually bought it for them because I wasn't having a lot of luck with getting them to eat healthily in the morning. However, they have found other alternatives, and I'm drinking this. It is good. I have the Rich Milk Chocolate No Sugar Added. I like that it dissolves really well in the milk, so there is no clumps or anything. It is only 150 calories though (when made with skim milk), so you probably need something else to make sure you don't get hungry before lunch. I've been having some fruit with it and maybe a piece of toast. It is also good mixed with light chocolate soy milk and instant coffee and then blended with ice. Nom nom nom.
Hope everyone has a good weekend! I have to get ready for Alice's Birthday Party, which is next Wednesday. Matt's birthday is on Monday as well. We were going to have the party this weekend, but Matt thought it important for her to have her party on the day of her birthday. Why? I don't know. When he gets something like this in his head, I have determined it is best to just nod and agree. So we are having a "drop in" party on Wednesday. A small one, because, well, she's one. And her favorite toy right now is a sample size maple syrup bottle. So I don't think we need a bouncy house or anything, do you? I am going to make the Magnolia vanilla cupcakes with pink icing, and I think I might try my hand at some homemade strawberry marshmallows. Or I won't. We'll see just how Martha-esque I am feeling. I am also thinking of making a big pot of spaghetti sauce because Alice loves anything with tomato sauce (enchilada sauce, spaghetti sauce, tomato chutney--whatever, she likes it all). At any rate, my mother is visiting this weekend as well, which will probably mean there will be some shopping involved. And probably my mother will attempt to run a man down with her car. But that, as I always say, is another story for another time.
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